Random Quote for May 11, 2024

“Imagination is a great thing in long dull hours, but it’s a real curse in a dark alley.”~Zilpha Keatley Snyder American author of books for children and young adults Zilpha Keatley Snyder was born on this day in 1927.

Random Quote for May 09, 2024

“There is no separation. We are all from the same place. As long as there is respect and acknowledgment of connections, things continue working. When that stops we all die.”~Joy Harjo American poet, musician, playwright, and author Joy Harjo was born on this day in 1951.

Random Quote for May 07, 2024

“I did not know that history is like a blood stain that keeps on showing on the wall no matter how many new owners take possession, no matter how many times we paint over it.”~Peter Carey Australian novelist Peter Carey was born on this day in 1943.